
「仕事、仕事、仕事…なんて大変なんだ。」クリスチャンであってもなくても、ほとんどの人がこんな風に考えるのではないでしょうか? 私も最近まで、確実にそうでした。

キリストを受け入れる前、私は仕事中毒でした。私のアイデンティティーは仕事に根付いていました。仕事は生活をしていくための手段ではなく、私の全てと言っていいほどで、キャリアにおける成長と達成が私の自尊心を高めてくれました。クリスチャン用語でいうと、仕事は私の「偶像」。私が切望していたのは完璧なキャリアによる成果でしたから、実際の偶像は自分自身でした。 とはいえ、仕事は面倒なものでした。




クリスチャンになって3か月後、私は神様から「日本に住んでほしい」と示されました。それから1年半、この示しに葛藤しました。最終的にNetflix Japan (ネットフリックスジャパン)で働くことになり、2017年10月に来日することになりました。私の迷いにも関わらず、神様は私を日本に送ったのです。今では会社という文化があってこそ、私が日本で長く働くことができると感じています。今の仕事こそ神様が私に日本でしてほしかった仕事だと確信しました。



私は何かが欠けている様な気がしていました。神様は仕事を通して私に何を経験させようとしているのだろうか? その真意は? 聖書は私たちの人生を導いてくれるガイドですが、読者の多くにとっては解読しがたいマニュアルでもあります。Light Projectという信仰と仕事のミニストリーに誘われた時、私はすぐに興味を持ちました。ティム・ケラーの著書である「この世界で働くということ」という本をベースに、自分の仕事と神の仕事を繫げるためのコースを発展させていく働きだったからです。


ティム・ケラーの本では、この聖書の箇所が引用されていて、聖書の冒頭、神が仕事(わざ)をされた事が書いてあるとありました。興味深い! この箇所は何度も読んだことがありましたが、神様が仕事をしていたと思ったことは一度もありませんでした。この本を読みながら、Light Projectのチームと一緒に信仰と仕事のコースを学びすすんで行くことで、仕事に対しての見方が完全に変えられました。



神様との歩みは、入り組んだ旅路のようなものでした。私がこのコースを体験して得たこと、それは私自身のために神との関係を深めながら、神の御心(みこころ)をより深く理解する事でした。あなたもこの信仰と仕事について学ぶ歩みをしてみませんか?  今、私はこのコースに費やした作業を振り返り、信仰と仕事について考え、書き出した、あの生産的な時間に感謝しています。いつの日か主は私たちに 「それは良かった」と言ってくださるかもしれません。

I was a workaholic before accepting Christ.  My identity was based on work.  Work wasn’t a means to an end, it was everything.  Career advancements and achievements generated higher self-esteem.  Work was my idol according to many Christians.  Actually, I was the idol because the result I was craving was an omnipotent career.  Nonetheless, work was still a hassle.

Work was still a burden even after becoming a Christian and overcoming workaholic issues.  There wasn’t any true sense of calling to work as an e-discovery specialist in a law firm.  I wondered if God wanted me at this job.  Three months after becoming a Christian, God said, “I want you living in Japan.”  

That set off a year and a half long battle with God as He tried to pull me to Japan.  The final chapter of that journey was being recruited by Netflix Japan and moving to Japan in October 2017.  God moved me to Japan, despite my reservations, and it’s the only corporate culture that I can work in Japan for the long haul. This was clearly the job God wanted me to have.

I honored this specific gift by living through it as a good Christian should. I donated a part of my salary to church. I gently let coworkers know I was a Christian. I moved the weekly small group gatherings from a cafe to a meeting room at work, thereby bringing in God’s Kingdom to the office.  I prayed for coworkers.  All this made good Christian sense, but when it came to the actual job itself, God wasn’t part of the equation.

This is no different from giving a toy to a child.  The child is thankful and excited, but he runs off to play with it in a way that makes sense only to him.  Dad is never consulted about how it is intended to be used or of all its potential uses. The user’s manual is just packing material and is tossed aside immediately.  Of course, the child occasionally thanks and shares the toy with Dad.

I must be missing something.  What did God intend for me to experience through work?  What’s the meaning of it?  The Bible, as the user’s manual of life, would have guidance, but it’s the most difficult user’s manual to decipher. So I was immediately interested when invited to join the Light Project, a faith and work ministry, to help develop a course based on Tim Keller’s book, Every Good Endeavor — Connecting Your Work To God’s Work.

Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. And on the seventh day God finished his work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work that he had done. So God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it God rested from all his work that he had done in creation.  (Genesis 2:1-3)

This quote opens Keller’s book and indicates that the Bible starts talking about work in the beginning pages.  Interesting!  I’ve read that passage a number of times, but never recognized God was working.  Reading this book and helping develop a course through it with the team forced me to think about work from a totally different perspective.

You’ve read the immediate impact that it has had already.  I recognized that I’ve taken my job, hoarded this gift, and, while thankful for it, have never asked God for guidance about it.  There have been many other learnings, but the ultimate conclusion I’ve reached through this course is that understanding and applying God’s intention for my job is similar to my faith.  The depth of my understanding and appreciation will morph and grow over time. There’s no simple answer.

Walking with God is a complex journey, and certainly the fruits of this course will further my relationship and understanding of His will for me. Perhaps you’ll want to join us in this walk of faith and work?  I look back on the work put into developing this course and appreciate the productive time thinking and writing about faith and work.  Perhaps someday He will tell us, “that it was good.”



神様が最初から仕事していた・・・? 神との歩みを仕事に絞ったlightプロジェクトのコースに参加した今、仕事に対する神の意図をより深く理解できるようになったと感じている。

author: Tom Ogawa

Tom works in the legal department of an Entertainment company.

“God was at work from the beginning…?”That was his first impression when he participated in a LIGHT Project course that focused his walk with God on work, which helped him to have better understanding of God's intentions for his work.